Five Pawns: Premium Vapor Liquids

Unrivaled Care & Craftsmanship

Five Pawns is meticulous about what goes into each bottle, so that what comes out is pure enjoyment:
•Five Pawns signature vapor liquid is handcrafted in small batches in California from the finest quality, locally-sourced ingredients using a proprietary blending process to create complex, multi-layered flavors.
•Five Pawns uses only ingredients deemed as food-grade by the USP and that is designated GRAS in addition to 99.9 percent pure, certified pharmaceutical grade nicotine.
•In 2014, Five Pawns began crafting their liquid in a state-of-the-art “clean room” laboratory, meaning the mixing, steeping and bottling rooms are ISO-grade to ensure the highest confidence in final product quality.
•At the same time, Five Pawns introduced a proprietary mixing process that orbitally and gyroscopically mixes liquids to guarantee consistency from bottle to bottle and batch to batch. Five Pawns then took the extra step of incorporating a gravimetric pouring process that ensures even greater accuracy of ingredients.
•Five Pawns was the first to bring traceability to vapor liquid with batch, lot and bottle numbers, plus dates on both the bottle and packaging tube. Five Pawns was also among the first to implement sealed and puncture resistant glass bottles, which are then protected by secondary packaging – an industry first – to eliminate UV exposure that may degrade the liquid.

Five Pawns Signature Vapor Liquid is only available through authorized Five Pawns retailers that offer the premium knowledge and device expertise required to ensure a true Five Pawns experience.