I’ve been adding in fiber to my diet with the intention of using the fiber as an anti-nutrient and satiety…
Celebrate Achievement not victim hood. Do something to make things better every day, start small with something like cleaning your…
Tim Noakes is trying to show you the information Corporations and Governments have been hiding to make money and “thin…
I’m listening to Buddhism by His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Thubten Chodron, narrated by Fajer Al-Kaisi on my Audible app.…
I’m excited about a book I found out about yesterday which is titled: Ravenous. It is about a Nazi scientist…
Tonight’s breakfast was eggs and beef cheek meat “Barbacoa” which was delicious. Stand up straight with your shoulders back.
What one thing could you do that you would do to make your life better today? Ribs!, and eggs was…
The truth, that which is exposed to the light of day, the ever present existence of that which will eventually…
Crockpot Life… Philosophy of Tyranny
Right at this very moment I’m in a sushi restaurant and I’m going to post my food from now and…